Tone2’s exclusive Harmonic-Content-Morphing™ (HCM). Many of them are exclusive to Tone2 products. Most synthesizer types can be freely combined to create new and exciting sounds. Gladiator 3 opens the doors to a new sound generation. Native Instruments – Battery 4.1.5 STANDALONE, VSTi, AAX. Continue reading. Xfer Records Serum v1.0.1.b3 Update Incl.Keygen WiN/MAC-R2R. Continue reading. Tone2 Gladiator 2+Tone2 Complete Bundle v2013. Continue reading. Gladiator 2 Vst Full. Gladiator 2 Vst Full DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1) gladiatorgladiator meaninggladiator definitiongladiator 2gladiator castgladiator gamesgladiator.
Tone2 Gladiator v3.0
The award-winning Gladiator 3 is a popular synthesizer which is used for a large number of professional productions. It provides a groundbreaking approach to sound generation. It’s exclusive HCM-synthesis covers a new and unique aural territory.
The update to v3.0 is a major update, which is available for free for all Gladiator2 users. It includes a larger and resizable GUI, a patch browser, enhanced sound quality, a bigger sonic range, a more user-friendly interface and many new features. Gladiator3 is downward compatible. Existing song-projects and patches can be loaded without any further steps necessary. They will benefit from the enhanced sound quality.
New features:
- Created a new interface, which is nearly twice as large
- By clicking on ‘EDITOR SIZE’ you can select from four different interface sizes
- Added a comfortable, new patch browser
- New sound-quality mode ‘high-end’
- 18 additional unison modes with a diverse selection of chords
- Added context sensitive tooltips with detailed descriptions for all controls
- The patches can be ranked by clicking on the stars in the patch browser
- The patch rankings are stored within the file “Ranking.rnk”
- 6 additional lfo waveforms: “Stair 4 up”,”Stair 8 up”,”Stair 4 down”,”Stair 8 down”,”Stair 4 up/down”,”Stair 8 up/down”
- Added manuals in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian to the new help menu
- New loop mode “Noise”, which jumps to a random section
- New loop mode “/50%”, which ping-pong-loops 50% of the spectrum
- New loop mode “/25%”, which ping-pong-loops 25% of the spectrum
- 3 additional phase-modifiers “Zzzap”, which sound like a laser
- 3 additional phase-modifiers “Boing”, which sound like a reverse laser
- 2 additional phase-modifiers “Odd noise” and “Even noise”, which noisify the spectrum
- 2 additional phase-modifiers “Odd 90” and “Even 90”, which sound like a sub-oscillator
- Information tags about the patches are shown in the patch browser
- Extended halftone-range for the arpeggiator from -23 to +23
- Added cross-product-compatibility: Save->’Export…’ exports the sound of osc1 as an Icarus compatible wavetable in wav format
- Video tutorials can be shown from the help menu
- Updates and additional sounds can be accessed directly from the help menu
- 176 additional patches
Enhancements in sound:
- More linear frequency response for oscillators playing below 100Hz
- More precise timing for all sample-rates
- Replaced all micro-tuning algorithms with a better ones. The new ones are more subtle and sounds less ‘detuned’.
- The late-reverb-tail of ‘Reverb small’ sounds less detuned
- The late-reverb-tail of ‘Reverb large’ sounds less detuned
- The late-reverb-tail of ‘Reverb ultra’ sounds less detuned
- All effects do come with default settings now and are more useable
- Reworked factory patches

Enhancements for the interface:
- Re-rendered the old GUI with sharper texts
- The envelope’s attack, decay, and release time is displayed in seconds
- Registration screen is now also available in German
- Renaming a preset is more straightforward
- The version number now can be also shown from within help menu
- The updated credits can be shown by clicking on help menu
- The parameter info display is able to show longer texts now
- Mousewheel support for knobs and list selectors
- Double-clicking a knob or slider resets it to the default value
- More detailed spectrum display
- Manuals on the Mac now can be opened from within the plugin
- Better init patch
- Enhanced graphics
- After loading patch names are derived from the fxp file name
- Program name and file name are synced after saving a patch
- Added messages boxes with info for some possible errors
- Step speed is set to 1/1 BPM after initializing a patch
- English manual has been updated
- Many smaller enhancements
- Patches are now in alphabetical order
- Loading and saving banks can now be accessed with a new menu called ‘load’ and ‘save’
- Renamed some parameters to be more consistent with the industry standards
- The envelope’s fade parameter now works as expected with long attack times
- Manuals in PDF format and Gladiatorskin.txt have been moved to Gladiator3_data
- On the Mac support files are now stored in /Library/Application Support/Tone2/Gladiator3_data/
- Updated some texts
- Enhanced hardware compatibility for midi program changes
- Some sound categories have been renamed
- The timing in 44Khz and 48Khz could have been out-of-sync if large block-sizes were used
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed a couple of wrong pixels
- Fixed a possible bug with ‘static’ loop mode
- Compatibility fix for the ‘m’ key
- Fixed a possible crash when the splash-screen was opened during closing
Gladiator is a very powerful synthesizer, which supports an exhaustive list of synthesis methods. Most synthesis types can be combined freely to create new and exciting sounds. Synthesis types supported by Gladiator are:
- Tone2’s exclusive Harmonic-Content-Morphing™ (HCM)
- Frequency Modulation (FM)
- Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
- Substractive
- Re-synthesized instruments
- Vocoder sounds
- Oscillator Sync
- Phase Distortion
- Amplitude Modulation (AM)
- Phase Modulation (PM)
- Waveshaping
- Super-saw
- Additive spectra
- Sampled noises and plucks
- Unison
Gladiator Vst Free
Gladiator Vst For Mac Windows 10