Touchdesigner For Mac

Touchdesigner For Mac

TouchDesigner has built-in support for Oculus Rift through the Oculus Rift TOP and Oculus Rift CHOP.Both operators have a Device parameter to support using multiple devices connected to one machine. VR hardware; Setup Oculus Rift CV1 using Oculus's setup tool: Setup Oculus Ways to interface with Oculus Rift in TouchDesigner. Derivative TouchDesigner Pro 099.2020.26630 macOS 411 Mb TouchDesigner is a visual development platform that equips you with the tools you need to create. Adept for mac.

Touchdesigner Mac Crack


Touchdesigner Machine Learning

TouchDesigner is the most complete authoring tool for building interactive 3D art, visualizations, prototypes and UIs. Derivative makes and supports TouchDesigner and offers their services to do custom production using TouchDesigner. Features 2D/3D Compositing • realtime GPU-based compositing with TOPs - replaces CPU-based compositing – GPU 10x faster • GLSL pixel/vertex shaders - new materials and shaders system (MATs) integrated with TOPs (bump, multi-layer, displacement, reflections, etc) • TOP compositing system multi-purpose - build control panels, composite output movies, prepare textures • Floating Point pixel formats (16fpp and 32fpp) • truly mixed 2D and 3D - apply 2D FX to a 3D render and composite with other 2D and 3D layers • streaming and compositing high definition multi-layer movies from disk in realtime • smooth video input from multiple cameras – USB and FireWire cameras, webcams, TV tuner cards, etc • machine-to-machine movie streams - from one TouchDesigner process to another TouchDesigner process on another computer at realtime speeds in high resolution using gigabit Ethernet(1000T) • over 70 image operators - TrueType fonts, render movies to QuickTime / tif / jpg, multi-frame image blending, color correction, feedback, blurs, full RGBA • all renders and composites off-screen at any resolution and multiple realtime 3D renders in one session Workflow and Productivity • mixed nodes - any OP type can be in a network with any other OP type - mix CHOPs with TOPs and SOPs - tighter “in-the-zone” workflow • Components hold a network of OPs, so you can encapsulate objects, scenes, effects, presets. • Components allow any combination of TOPs, CHOPs, SOPs, objects, materials as inputs and outputs • palettes of components, control panels can be added to any component • easy to share, easy to experiment - save out a Component to a .tox file for easy sharing with other users/projects • DATs – Data Operators can be used to hold any text data – raw ascii, scripts, etc or table data such as spreadsheets, csv files, etc. • performance analysis tools - give highly tuned realtime performance (moviedump, Info CHOP, Perform CHOP, and detailed Performance Monitor) Networking and Inputs/Outputs • OSC in/out (TouchDesigner-to-Audio apps), Touch In/Out (for TouchDesigner-to-TouchDesigner), Pipe In/Out (TouchDesigner-to-Custom applications) • Video streaming over FireWire and Ethernet – re-route video in/out of TouchDesigner over gigabit and FireWire networks – can grab multiple video inputs from networked computers running TouchMixer017 or TouchDesigner0xx • Full MIDI support • Improved Live Video In – support for multiple cameras – FireWire DV cams and USB cameras and webcams Interface and UI • powerful viewers on all node types - visualize your data going through TouchDesigner better • network nodes can be sized – customize node size to view any type/size of data • interactive viewers for each node - edit your data inside a network viewer • edit multiple OP’s parameters - affect many operators simultaneously • control panels - buttons can be programmable, rollover movies, flexible panel layouts • 3D gadgets and interface elements – use movies and motion graphics for UI gadgets CHOPs and Animation • streams let you customize input and output devices for your computer - midi, audio, cameras, etc • channel operators (CHOPs) can handle thousands of channels at a time • timeslicing technology keep data and video smooth even when the system is heavily taxed or intermittently loaded. SOPs and Geometry • 3D - polys, meshes, NURBS, beziers, (anti-aliasing soon) • Geometry model imports from FBX • Geometry deformation - using Vertex shaders in MAT operators (on the GPU)